12 research outputs found

    Alamethicin self-assembling in lipid membranes: concentration dependence from pulsed EPR of spin labels

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    The antimicrobial action of the peptide antibiotic alamethicin (Alm) is commonly related to peptide self-assembling resulting in the formation of voltage-dependent channels in bacterial membranes, which induces ion permeation. To obtain a deeper insight into the mechanism of channel formation, it is useful to know the dependence of self-assembling on peptide concentration. With this aim, we studied Alm F50/5 spin-labeled analogs in a model 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) membrane, for peptide-to-lipid (P/L) ratios varying between 1/1500 and 1/100. Pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) spectroscopy reveals that even at the lowest concentration investigated, the Alm molecules assemble into dimers. Moreover, under these conditions, electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy of D2O-hydrated membranes shows an abrupt change from the in-plane to the trans-membrane orientation of the peptide. Therefore, we hypothesize that dimer formation and peptide reorientation are concurrent processes and represent the initial step of peptide self-assembling. By increasing peptide concentration, higher oligomers are formed. A simple kinetic model of equilibrium among monomers, dimers, and pentamers allows for satisfactorily describing the experimental PELDOR data. The inter-label distances in the oligomers obtained from PELDOR experiments become better resolved with increasing P/L ratio, thus suggesting that the supramolecular organization of the higher-order oligomers becomes more defined

    The Cu(II) – dietary fibre interactions at molecular level unveiled via EPR spectroscopy

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    While dietary fibres have a reputation of a healthy food component, the interaction between nutrients and neutral fibers is non-covalent, and its characterization is challenging for most analytical techniques. Here, on the example of barley β-glucan (BBG) and paramagnetic Cu(II) ions we demonstrate the performance of different Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) methods in the fibre studies. EPR techniques were tested on two spin probe systems with different affinity in the interaction with dietary fibres – Cu(OAc)2 salt, which weakly dissociates under physiological conditions and CuSO4 salt, which easily dissociates, so that in the latter case Cu(II) can be considered as a ‘free’ ion, only chelated by water molecules. The Cu(II)-BBG interaction was determined by pulse EPR relaxation measurements, but this interaction appears not strong enough for continuous wave EPR detection. The capability of the fibres for Cu(II) absorption was successfully analyzed by comparison of the results from the pulse dipolar spectroscopy with numerical simulations. The local distribution of sugar hydrogen atoms around the Cu(II) ion has been determined by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and electron-nuclei double resonance (ENDOR) techniques.ISSN:2046-206

    A Peptide-Based Trap for Metal Ions Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

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    Peptide-based materials provide a versatile platform for sensing and ion sequestration since peptides are endowed with stimuli-responsive properties. The mechanism of molecular sensing is often based on peptide structural changes (or switching), caused by the binding of the target molecule. One scope of sensing applications is the selection of a specific analyte, which may be achieved by adjusting the structure of the peptide binding site. Therefore, exact knowledge of peptide properties and 3D-structure in the ‘switched’ state is desirable for tuning the detection and for further molecular construction. Hence, here we demonstrate the performance of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in the identification of metal ion binding by the antimicrobial peptide trichogin GA IV. Na(I), Ca(II), and Cu(II) ions were probed as analytes to evaluate the impact of coordination number, ionic radii, and charge. Conclusions drawn by EPR are in line with literature data, where other spectroscopic techniques were exploited to study peptide-ion interactions for trichogin GA IV, and the structural switch from an extended helix to a hairpin structure, wrapped around the metal ion upon binding of divalent cations was proposed

    Pulse EPR spectroscopy and molecular modeling reveal the origins of the local heterogeneity of dietary fibers

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    Optimizing human diet by including dietary fibers would be more efficient when the fibers' chain interactions with other molecules are understood in depth. Thereby, it is important to develop methods for characterizing the fiber chain to be able to monitor its structural alterations upon intermolecular interactions. Here, we demonstrate the utility of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, complemented by simulations in probing the atomistic details of the chain conformations for spin-labeled fibers. Barley β-glucan, a native polysaccharide with linear chain, was utilized as a test fiber system to demonstrate the technique's capabilities. Pulse dipolar EPR data show good agreement with results of the fiber chain modeling, revealing sinuous chain conformations and providing polymer shape descriptors: the gyration tensor, spin-spin distance distribution function, and information about proton density near the spin probe. Results from EPR measurements point to the fiber aggregation in aqueous solution, which agrees with the results of the dynamic light scattering. We propose that the combination of pulse EPR measurements with modeling can be a perfect experimental tool for in-depth structural investigation of dietary fibers and their interaction under such conditions, and that the presented methodology can be extended to other weakly ordered or disordered macromolecules.ISSN:0144-8617ISSN:1879-134

    Peptide-membrane binding is not enough to explain bioactivity: A case study

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    Membrane-active peptides are a promising class of antimicrobial and anticancer therapeutics. For this reason, their molecular mechanisms of action are currently actively investigated. By exploiting Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, we study the membrane interaction of two spin-labeled analogs of the antimicrobial and cytotoxic peptide trichogin GA IV (Tri), with opposite bioactivity: Tri(Api8), able to selectively kill cancer cells, and Tri (Leu4), which is completely nontoxic. In our attempt to determine the molecular basis of their different biological activity, we investigate peptide impact on the lateral organization of lipid membranes, peptide localization and oligomerization, in the zwitter-ionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) model membrane We show that, despite their divergent bioactivity, both peptide analogs (i) are membrane-bound, (ii) display a weak tendency to oligomerization, and (iii) do not induce significant lipid rearrangement. Conversely, literature data show that the parent peptide trichogin, which is cytotoxic without any selectivity, is strongly prone to dimerization and affects the reorganization of POPC membranes. Its dimers are involved in the rotation around the peptide helix, as observed at cryogenic temperatures in the millisecond timescale. Since this latter behavior is not observed for the inactive Tri(Leu4), we propose that for short-length peptides as trichogin oligomerization and molecular motions are crucial for bioactivity, and membrane binding alone is not enough to predict or explain it. We envisage that small changes in the peptide sequence that affect only their ability to oligomerize, or their molecular motions inside the membrane, can tune the peptide activity on membranes of different compositions

    Quantification of Distributions of Local Proton Concentrations in Heterogeneous Soft Matter and Non-Anfinsen Biomacromolecules

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    A new method to quantitatively analyze heterogeneous distributions of local proton densities around paramagnetic centers in unstructured and weakly structured biomacromolecules and soft matter is introduced, and its feasibility is demonstrated on aqueous solutions of stochastically spin-labeled polysaccharides. This method is based on the pulse EPR experiment ih-RIDME (intermolecular hyperfine relaxation-induced dipolar modulation enhancement). Global analysis of a series of RIDME traces allows for a mathematically stable transformation of the time-domain data to the distribution of local proton concentrations. Two pulse sequences are proposed and tested, which combine the ih-RIDME block and the double-electron-electron resonance (DEER) experiment. Such experiments can be potentially used to correlate the local proton concentration with the macromolecular chain conformation. We anticipate an application of this approach in studies of intrinsically disordered proteins, biomolecular aggregates, and biomolecular condensates.ISSN:1948-718

    Ferric Pyrophosphate Forms Soluble Iron Coordination Complexes with Zinc Compounds and Solubilizing Agents in Extruded Rice and Predicts Increased Iron Solubility and Bioavailability in Young Women

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    Background Co-extrusion of ferric pyrophosphate (FePP) with solubilizers, citric acid/trisodium citrate (CA/TSC), or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) sharply increases iron absorption. Whether this can protect against the inhibition of iron absorption by phytic acid (PA) is unclear. Sodium pyrophosphate (NaPP) may be a new enhancer of iron absorption from FePP. Objectives Our objectives were to 1) investigate the ligand coordination of iron, zinc, and solubilizers in extruded rice and test associations with iron solubility and absorption, 2) assess whether co-extrusion of FePP + CA/TSC rice can protect against inhibition of iron absorption by PA; 3) determine the effect of zinc oxide (ZnO) compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), and 4) quantify iron absorption from FePP + NaPP rice. Methods We produced labeled 57FePP rice cofortified with ZnSO4 and EDTA, CA/TSC or NaPP, and FePP + EDTA rice with ZnO. We used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to characterize iron-ligand complexes. We measured in vitro iron solubility and fractional iron absorption (FIA) in young women (n = 21, age: 22 ± 2 y, BMI: 21.3 ± 1.5 kg/m2 geometric mean plasma ferritin, 28.5 μg/L) compared with ferrous sulfate (58FeSO4). FIA was compared by linear mixed-effect model analysis. Results The addition of zinc and solubilizers created new iron coordination complexes of Fe(III) species with a weak ligand field at a high-spin state that correlated with solubility (r2 = 0.50, P = 0.02) and absorption (r2 = 0.72, P = 0.02). Phytic acid reduced FIA from FePP + CA/TSC rice by 50% (P < 0.001), to the same extent as FeSO4. FIA from FePP + EDTA + ZnO and FePP + EDTA + ZnSO4 rice did not significantly differ. Mean FIAs from FePP + EDTA + ZnSO4, FePP + CA/TSC + ZnSO4, and FePP + NaPP + ZnSO4 rice were 9% to 11% and did not significantly differ from each other or from FeSO4. Conclusion Rice extrusion of FePP with solubilizers resulted in bioavailable iron coordination complexes. In the case of FePP + CA/TSC, PA exerted similar inhibition of FIA as with FeSO4. FePP + NaPP could be a further viable solubilizing agent for rice fortification.ISSN:0022-3166ISSN:1541-610

    A Molecular View on the Role of Cholesterol upon Membrane Insertion, Aggregation, and Water Accessibility of the Antibiotic Lipopeptide Trichogin GA IV As Revealed by EPR

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    Trichogin GA IV is a membrane-active lipopeptide, the antibiotic activity of which was proposed to be based on its capability to induce leakage due to formation of pores into the bacterial cell membrane. However, less attention has been paid to its biological selectivity, i.e., discrimination between bacterial versus cholesterol containing (mammalian) membranes. This is the reason which motivated us to study the role of cholesterol on penetration of the peptide into the membrane and formation of water channels. The ESEEM technique was used to measure the modulation amplitudes for TOAC spin-labeled trichogin GA IV peptide analogues in hydrated membranes of phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipid in the presence of 50 mol % cholesterol-d7. From the interaction between the nitroxide spin-label and the nearby located deeply membrane inserted deuterons, the N-terminus was found to be positioned at the core of the membrane. Separately, ESEEM measurements for the FTOAC-8 labeled peptide, but in D2O hydrated cholesterol/PC membranes, provide strong evidence for the polar C-terminus situated near the membrane surface. The apparently too high modulation amplitude measured for the buried FTOAC-1 label is likely attributed to the presence of peptide associated water. In cholesterol depleted membrane, however, the long axes of the helical molecules are found oriented parallel to the membrane surface even at high peptide concentration. Continuous wave EPR spectroscopy indicates that, for cholesterol containing membrane, peptide insertion is accompanied by self-aggregation of parallelly aligned transmembrane peptide molecules, while for cholesterol lacking membranes they are monomolecularly distributed. Thus, cholesterol tends to stabilize the transmembrane peptide aggregat

    Conformational properties, membrane interaction, and antibacterial activity of the peptaibiotic chalciporin A: Multitechnique spectroscopic and biophysical investigations on the natural compound and labeled analogs

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    In this work, an extensive set of spectroscopic and biophysical techniques (including FT-IR absorption, CD, 2D-NMR, fluorescence, and CW/PELDOR EPR) was used to study the conformational preferences, membrane interaction, and bioactivity properties of the naturally occurring synthetic 14-mer peptaibiotic chalciporin A, characterized by a relatively low (≈20%), uncommon proportion of the strongly helicogenic Aib residue. In addition to the unlabeled peptide, we gained in-depth information from the study of two labeled analogs, characterized by one or two residues of the helicogenic, nitroxyl radical-containing TOAC. All three compounds were prepared using the SPPS methodology, which was carefully modified in the course of the syntheses of TOAC-labeled analogs in view of the poorly reactive α-amino function of this very bulky residue and the specific requirements of its free-radical side chain. Despite its potentially high flexibility, our results point to a predominant, partly amphiphilic, α-helical conformation for this peptaibiotic. Therefore, not surprisingly, we found an effective membrane affinity and a remarkable penetration propensity. However, chalciporin A exhibits a selectivity in its antibacterial activity not in agreement with that typical of the other members of this peptide class